Press review

Most articles included are in German only.

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28.08.2021 Article in the "Finanz und Wirtschaft", Saturday, 28.08.2021

Edisun faces realignment

The solar power plant operator is considering various strategic options.
Things are going well at Edisun. The operator of solar power installations increased its sales by 33% in the first half of the year, and the profit rose even more significantly. The main reason is a new large-scale plant in Portugal, thanks to which the total capacity of Edisun's photovoltaic plants rose from 35 to 84 megawatts (MW). The momentum is set to continue. In the pipeline are four more plants with 152 MW.

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03.05.2021 Report in the "Öko-Invest-Börsenbrief" No. 699, 3.5.2021

Focus on Switzerland

In Switzerland, everything takes a little longer – even the path to sustainability. Companies such as Aventron, Edisun Power, Meyer Burger and others, but also the energy cooperative ADEV and Alternative Bank show that there is no lack of know-how. Some of them have an attractive stock market performance. In the exciting report of the "Öko-Invest-Börsenbrief" focusing on Switzerland, the companies Aventron, Edisun Power and Meyer Burger are also highlighted, read more in the supplement.

Excerpt from "Öko-Invest-Börsenbrief" No. 699/21 of 03.05.2021, with the kind permission of Öko-Invest Verlags-GmbH, Vienna (

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17.04.2021 Article in the "Finanz und Wirtschaft", Saturday, 17.04.2021

A unique opportunity

Stocks of companies specializing in solar power have corrected. The timing opens up opportunities.
Renewable energy is a sought-after investment. Tesla's share price gains over the past five years are peanuts compared with, say, Enphase, a specialist in inverters, which are installed in solar power installations, among other things.

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27.03.2021 Article in the "Finanz und Wirtschaft", Saturday, 27.03.2021

Die Solarenergie steht vor einer Zeitenwende

Betreiber von Solaranlagen verkaufen den Strom zunehmend am Markt, statt ihre Kosten mit Fördergeldern zu decken.
Immer mehr Solaranlagen produzieren inzwischen Strom, ohne von Fördergeldern zu profitieren. In Deutschland, wo im Jahr 2000 das Gesetz zur Förderung erneuerbarer Energien in Kraft getreten war, läuft die für zwanzig Jahre garantierte Einspeisevergütung für erste Anlagen aus. Die Stromproduktion jedoch funktioniert oft noch tadellos. Ihren Strom können die Produzenten nun beispielsweise direkt an Energieversorger oder grosse Industrieunternehmen vermarkten.

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