The 18th annual general meeting will take place place on Friday, 26 April 2024, 15h00.
Invitation and agenda (PDF, in German)
Presentation 18th AGM 2024 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 18th AGM 2024 (PDF, in German)
The 17th annual general meeting took place place on Friday, 21 April 2023, 15h00.
Invitation and agenda (PDF)
Presentation 17th AGM 2023 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 17th AGM 2023 (PDF, in German)
The 16th annual general meeting took place on Friday, 22. April 2022, 15h00.
The Board of Directors of Edisun Power Europe Ltd. decided on January 27, 2022 to hold the Annual General Meeting on April 22, 2022 without the physical presence of shareholders. These could exercise their rights exclusively through the independent proxy with an electronic or written power of attorney.
Invitation and agenda (PDF, in German)
Presentation 16th AGM 2022 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 16th AGM 2022 (PDF, in German)
The 15th annual general meeting took take place on Friday, 23. April 2021, 15h00.
In order to protect shareholders and employees and in compliance with the COVID-19 ordinances of the Federal Council, the Board of Directors has decided to hold the Ordinary General Meeting on April 23, 2021 without the physical presence of shareholders. In order to exercise their shareholder rights, shareholders had to mandate the independent proxy to represent them.
Invitation and agenda (PDF, in German)
Presentation 15th AGM, 2021 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 15th AGM, 2021 (PDF, in German)
The 14th annual general meeting took place on Friday, 24. April 2020, 15h00.
As a result of the measures taken by the Swiss Federal Council to fight the coronavirus, in order to exercise shareholders' rights, shareholders had to mandate the independent proxy to exercise their rights. Physical participation was excluded.
Invitation and agenda (PDF, in German)
Presentation 14th AGM, 2020 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 14th AGM, 2020 (PDF, in German)
On Tuesday, November 12, 2019, 10h00, an extraordinary general meeting has been held at the Zurich Marriott Hotel, Neumühlequai 42, 8006 Zurich.
Invitation and agenda (PDF, in German)
Letter to Shareholders (PDF, in German)
Presentation extraordinary GM 12.11.2019 (PDF, in German)
Minutes extraordinary GM 12.11.2019 (PDF, in German)
The 13th annual general meeting took place on 17 May 2019, 15h00 at the Stiftung zum Glockenhaus in Zurich.
Invitation and Agenda (PDF, in German)
Presentation 13th AGM, 2019 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 13th AGM, 2019 (PDF, in German)
The 12th annual general meeting took place on 18 May 2018, 15h00 at the hotel Glockenhof in Zurich.
Invitation and Agenda (PDF, in German)
Presentation 12th AGM 2018 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 12th AGM 2018 (PDF, in German)
The 11th annual general meeting took place on 12 May 2017, 15h00, at the hotel Glockenhof in Zurich:Presentation 11th AGM 2017 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 11th AGM 2017 (PDF, in German)
The 10th annual general meeting took place on 20 May 2016, 15h00, at the hotel Glockenhof in Zurich.Presentation 10th AGM 2016 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 10th AGM 2016 (PDF, in German)
The 9th annual general meeting took place on 29 May 2015, 15h00 at the hotel Glockenhof in Zurich.Presentation 9th AGM 2015 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 9th AGM 2015 (PDF, in German)
An Extraordinary General Meeting took place on 28 August 2014, 15h00 at the hotel Glockenhof in Zurich.Presentation extraordinary GM (PDF, in German)
Minutes extraordinary GM (PDF, in German)
Invitation and Agenda (PDF, in German)
- Beilage Stellungnahme des Verwaltungsrats (PDF)
- Beilage Prof. Dr. Hansjürg Leibundgut - Brief Neuausrichtung und Beschreibung ZE-2sol & ZESI (PDF)
- Beilage Lebensläufe neue Verwaltungsratskandidaten (PDF)
Unterlagen zu Traktadum 3, Strategie Aktionärsgruppe Leibundgut/Nef/B35:
- Beschreibung Idee
- Emissionsfreier Strom für 2Sol Systeme, ein kontinentales Energiekonzept (Broschüre)
- ZE-2sol-Contracting
- ZESI-Contracting
- Angebot ZE-2sol-Contracting, Projekt Allreal
- Angebot ZESI-Contracting, Projekt ETH Hönggerberg
- Kapitalbedarf und Finanzierung
The 8th annual general meeting took take place on 9 May 2014, 16h00 at the hotel Glockenhof in Zurich.
Invitation and Agenda (PDF, in German)
Presentation 8th AGM 2014 (PDF, in German)
Minutes 8th AGM 2014 (PDF, in German)
The seventh annual general meeting took place on 7 May 2013, 10h00 at the hotel Glockenhof in Zurich.Invitation and Agenda (PDF in German)
Presentation 7th AGM 2013 (PDF in German)
Minutes 7th AGM 2013 (PDF in German)
Invitation and Agenda PDF (in German)
Presentations 6th AGM 2012 PDF (in German)
Minutes 6th AGM 2012 PDF (in German)
Invitation and Agenda PDF (in German)
Presentations 5th AGM 2011 PDF (in German)
Minutes 5th AGM 2011 PDF (in German)
The forth annual general meeting took place on 5 May 2010 at the Glockenhof, Zurich.
Invitation and Agenda PDF (in German)
Presentations 4th GM 2010 PDF (in German)
Minutes 4th GM 2010 PDF (in German)
The third annual general meeting took place on 8 May 2009 at the Novotel, Zurich.
Invitation and Agenda PDF (in German)
Presentations 3rd GM 2009 PDF (in German)
Minutes 3rd GM 2009 PDF (in German)
The second annual general meeting took place on 9 May 2008 at the Novotel, Zurich.